Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly 2013
Air, Ice & Process Interactions
July 8-12, 2013
Официальный сайт конференции DACA-13
Стендовый доклад Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation according to classification by B.L. Dzerdzeevskii Nina Kononova, Institute of Geography RAS, Moscow, Russia
Буклет к стендовому докладу Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation according to classification by B.L. Dzerdzeevskii
Стендовый доклад The influence of atmospheric circulation onto the fluctuations of the balance of mass of the Tuyuksu Glacier (Ile Alatau mountains) N.K. Kononova1, N.V. Pimankina1, L.A. Yeriskovskaya2
1 Institute of Geography RAS, Moscow, Russia;
2 Institute of Geography MES, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Буклет к стендовому докладу The influence of atmospheric circulation onto the fluctuations of the balance of mass of the Tuyuksu Glacier (Ile Alatau mountains)